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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday evening revelations

Several facts were illuminated for me tonight, some old, some new, and I would like to share a few of them.

Not all hummus tastes like oily sand.
I love a good cheese tray.
I love a mediocre cheese tray.
Cheese is of the Lord.
Unless people have experienced true faith, they'll never understand what it can do.
No matter how far one has fallen, a Star Wars fan is always willing to discuss the finer points.
There is always room in the world for one more bad pop song.
Somewhere in the world there is a person with lots of money about to produce a straight-to-DVD movie starring a middle-aged male with a bad pony-tail and a leather vest, but no shirt.
Somewhere in the world there is a middle-aged man with a beer gut and bad breath who can't wait to see said movie.
No matter how embarrassing your wardrobe was when you were in junior high, it's coming back.

Thank you,
Matt Beers


  1. I enjoyed this posting immensly. It was good without the added links but I must say the links put it over the top.

    -A Stranger

  2. Hummus rocks. You'll come around to true enlightenment eventually.

  3. I have had both kinds of hummus: the rocking kind as well as the non-rocking kind. I have come to the decision that it's worth the extra money to go with the rocking kind.
