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Monday, April 26, 2010

The early bird gets dirty looks from all of the night owls.

By the end of the day I am completely useless. I no longer like kids, no longer care about what I put in my body, no longer care about being productive. When the end of the day rolls around, I mostly just want to burn things in my backyard and watch movies. Those two things don't go together so much. I'm working on it.

But tonight, I'm going to take the high-road. I'm going to bed early. This is a pretty big deal for me. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep. I've tried Ambien and it helps me sleep, but it also makes me feel like I'm slogging through a brainful of mud the following day. Most nights I'm in bed by midnight. I might fall asleep by one, two at the latest. On my bad nights, I find myself watching the clock hit three. And I get up at six.

I've always had trouble sleeping. If I get six hours of sleep, I'm doing pretty good.

As hard as I find it to fall asleep, I find it even harder to sleep in. This isn't due to my body's internal clock. This is due to my wife and three kids, who are, each and every one of them, early risers.

It just isn't fair.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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