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Thursday, August 19, 2010

They're balls... made of meat!

Oh, man, I'm such a bad blogger... I'm really very sorry for any damage done to your equilibrium due to my lack of posts. I know how you all rely on me to provide you with daily edification in the face of a harsh and cruel world that seems very intent on Shawshanking the lot of us. For my failure to uphold my duty, I apologize. It will most certainly happen again. The best thing you can do is to just be prepared.

Anyway, I was thinking about the difference between meatballs and meatloaf the other day. It seems to me that the guy who invented meatballs must have thought he was pretty darn clever. And then some guy comes along and says, "Oh! Balls of meat! How... cute. Have you seen my LOAF of meat? It's not cute, but it could kick the sauce out of your pansy little meatballs." It's like the guy who invented the unicycle is bragging to some pretty girl at a party when the guy who invented tanks walks in.

My wife tells me that I spend too much time on my computer. I told her that if we had a step-stool I'd use that instead. No, but seriously, folks, I'm addicted to my computer. Facebook, Netflix, Youtube, this blog, my other blog, my other other blog, Ferocious, and, every once in a while, I check my e-mail. It's doing damage to my credibility as a good husband and father. So, I'll try to cut out the frivolous stuff (Youtube and most of the Facebooking) and focus on the work-type stuff (Ferocious, blogs, e-mail) and when I feel I've earned it, I'll spend a little time watching movies on Netflix.

I finally found someone who wants the piano in my garage. Remember the piano in my garage? I talked about it at length several months ago, shortly before I started talking at length about the gazebo, which, in spite of at least a dozen laws of logic and physics, is still standing. So, a friend of mine, a girl who went on the Serbia trip with us, tells me she took piano lessons for six years as a little girl and has been thinking about starting up again. She should be picking it up this weekend. Maybe next. I don't know. She was kinda vague on some of the details.

And with the behemoth out of the way, I can finally get down to business on the garage. I still have about eight boxes of books I need to get rid of and lots of interesting odds and ends that I once believed wholeheartedly would come in useful in some way. I have lots of shelves that aren't holding anything. I have several cabinets that are mostly empty. I have a dozen kids' riding toys littering the floor. I have a big-screen television and two very comfortable chairs that I would love dearly to be able to get to. So, with summer wrapping up, I'm pretty flippin' excited about a good garage cleaning.

Our bedroom is also in a state of great need. We painted a few months ago and bought a really cool comforter and some lamps that almost match it. And then we bought some sweet artwork to go all around the room and we leaned it up against a chair and never did anything with it. And I've been promising Betsy I would put them up "soon" or "this week" or "today." But as none of those dates ever seem to come up, I haven't done it. It'll happen. For real.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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