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Thursday, August 26, 2010

You may now love me to death.

I thrive on instant gratification. That's why I enjoy Facebook so much. I write a funny status and instantly tens of thousands of people "like" it and tell me how genius I am. (Note: The writer's statements and calculations are subject to whimsy.)

This has caused a lot of problems. First, I'm always on my computer. Second, I don't have any incentive to do any serious writing. If I sat my fat butt down and choked out a novel, then forced myself to go through the tedium of editing, re-editing, and then handing it over to an impartial third party to do the actual editing, THEN made the monumental effort to actually send it in to publishers, THEN waited the four to six weeks it takes for them to send me my rejection letter, THEN cried my way through the editing process again... It would literally take me years, if at all, to get a book published and even then I'd be taking a chance that my book would be poorly received and shunned by the public.

Or I could write a witty, slightly offensive status and wait for the praise to roll in. Failure? That's okay, write another status, and THIS time, mention poop. That always knocks 'em dead.

So, this blog is healthy for me in that it's a step away from all of the sycophants on Fakebook trying to get into my pants by telling me how great I am, like I don't already know.

And Ferocious is another step away from instant gratification. It is several months between publications, and even then no one voices an opinion.

Anyway, faithful bleader (short for "blog reader,"), thank you for bleading. It is a tonic to my heart knowing that I may have once written something worth reading and you keep coming back hoping that I'll replicate the moment. I will. Soon.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

1 comment:

  1. It seems like this blogisode (not sure what to call one blog in a blog) should really have lots of comments, so here goes. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Bleaders sounds kind of like bleeters. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Comments. Sure the price for writing is higher, but the payoff is bigger too, unless fariends (hmm not easy to combine Facebook and friends) are sending you money for your witticisms. Just a thought. Comments. Comments. Comments.
