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Monday, August 30, 2010

A lapse in judgement: Concerning toy genitals.

So, I bought my family a bunch of gifts today 'cause I was feeling like showing some love and my primary love language is gift-giving (I assumed my family would want to reciprocate, so I bought myself something from them). I bought Betsy a DVD, Jack some Legos, Zoe some kind of colorful plastic thing that she can chew on, and Macy... I bought her a Ken doll.

Jack was upstairs with his Legos and Zoe was slobbering all over her new toys in the living room. Betsy and I were in the kitchen and Macy had wandered into the front room. I followed her about five minutes later and found her sitting in the middle of the floor with the now naked Ken doll lying in her lap. She looked very, very confused. I'm not really sure if I should make any effort to engage Macy in a discussion about the lack of zeal displayed by the plastic-injection mold operator responsible for Ken's formless bulge or if I should play it off as normal and let her be traumatized on her wedding night.

But I think we all know that I've already made my decision. Sorry, sweetie.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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