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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pipe dreams...

Every once in a while I meet with a friend or two and we play video games or watch a movie or play a board game. We try to talk while we do these things, but the game or the movie or the conversation suffers, so we usually just stop talking. Why?

I think it's very hard for a man to say that another man is worth his time. If I'm getting together with my friends I feel like I need to have a reason beyond enjoying their company. So we say that we're getting together to play video games. We're getting together to watch a movie. We're getting together to play Settlers of Catan. We can't admit, without feeling a little awkward, that we like spending time with these people and that we value them.

I had two of my best friends over tonight, initially to play video games. We ended up spending about an hour sitting on my back porch just talking about nothing. There was no agenda or goal to the moment. We just sort of sat back and accepted that this was good enough reason to be together.

Why can't we do that more often? Why is it so hard to listen to each other? Why is it so hard to share our silly little dreams with one another?

Thank you,
      Matt Beers

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