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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The obliteration of a lifestyle...

When I was growing up we never had a lot. Being the youngest, I learned to hang on to whatever I could. This directly contributed to my current situation. You see, I'm a bit of a pack rat.

I have issues with throwing something away when there is even the slightest chance that I or someone I know may find a use for it sometime in the next decade. While many people have

Crap. My wife walked in and started asking me all sorts of questions and now I have no idea what I was saying. Oh, well.

What I was getting at is this: I'm getting rid of the majority of my worldly possessions. I'm not pulling a Fight Club or anything. I'm just making some tough decisions about the boxes and boxes of odds and ends that I've managed to save up over the last 32 years. I have the remnants of a Star Wars mug that I broke in 1988. I have a Power Puff Girls coloring book that I bought Betsy when we were dating (it has no sentimental value, but not all of the pages have been colored in). I even have a Ramones poster from my bachelor days which will, sadly, never find its way up on a wall ever again.

These are the things that I have convinced myself are important. These are the things I will be disposing of. Well, probably not the Ramones poster. It might go up in the garage.

Also on the chopping block: a dining-room table and four chairs, an entertainment center, a 36-inch television (Remember those?), a surf board, and several hundred books.

So, if you're going to be in the Huntertown, Indiana area next weekend, come buy my stuff.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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