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Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm gradually becoming useless.

I used to be funny, but now I'm mostly just tired. I'm actually looking forward to my trip to Serbia because I'm hoping it will give me a chance to get some sleep. I know this is probably an extremely naive viewpoint, but I don't really have a problem attacking life armed with a little naivety.

I used to be smart, then everyone I knew went off to college and got smarter. I didn't go to college, so I don't know all of those fancy philosophical terms and names for styles of art and anthropological phrases. Actually, I took four college courses. I did very well in Sociology, moderately well in my writing class, not well at all in my Intro to Philosophy class (I got bored and created my own alphabet which I used to write horrible things about my teacher instead of taking notes), and I dropped Speech Pathology and Audiology because I didn't feel like writing a research paper, and, as it was a required course for my Elementary Education major, I changed my major. It occurred to me at that point that I had no business being in college. So I quit.

I used to be skinny, but I love brownies too much.

I used to hide behind my humor and my brains (I didn't realize I was physically attractive until it was too late). Now, with those slipping away, I guess I have to be nice to people, which has never been one of my natural, God-given abilities.

Don't worry about me. Betsy is at the store right now, buying some brownies and Irish Creme, so I'll be okay.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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