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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Glory Days, part 2

Today I took a shower and emptied the dishwasher. Then I read the newspaper.

I've got to slow down before I hurt myself. I'm not as young as I used to be.

Yesterday was kind of a surprise day. I woke up at 11:00. I didn't wake up at 8:30 and go back to bed, I woke up at 11:00. I must have needed the sleep. Anyway, I got up and decided to skip the late breakfast farce and lunge right into lunch. I had leftover sausage roll and cherry pie. Then I lounged about in my pajamas ALL day watching movies and playing video games. Then, around dinnerish time I got dressed and went out for some sesame chicken and crab rangoon. Then I came home and watched a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It was about how the food we eat is killing us. I spent the rest of the day watching movies while working out. This morning I was pleased to discover that I ache all over.

The movies I watched yesterday:

For the record, Master and Commander is one of my all-time favorite movies.

Now, I'm off to have lunch with my friend, the alpaca farmer, Brian Foss.

Thank you,
      Matt Beers

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