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Friday, May 21, 2010

What would Ethan do?

We've started painting the bedroom. It's going from a kind of darkish blue that neither of us were ever very enthusiastic about to a creamish color. We figured that, if we're going to be unenthusiastic about the color of our room, we may as well choose an unenthusiastic color. The important thing is that I not do any of the work, and based on my past performance with a paint roller, I won't have to.

Jack and I started reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe tonight. I hope he enjoys it. I certainly did when I was a kid. Of course, I was a few years older than he is, but I also didn't have a father who was interested in reading to me. I may be starting him out a little early on some heavier literature (we've already read the first three Harry Potter books, most of Roald Dahl's books, one Encyclopedia Brown, Peter Pan, and several other chapter books), but he's the strongest reader in his class, so much so that his teacher had to put him in a reading group from another class because no one in his own class was anywhere close to him. He loves to read, but he won't talk about what he reads. Anyway, enough bragging up my kid.

Last summer I bought a briefcase at a garage sale for 50 cents. It was locked and no one knew the combination, but it was in near perfect condition. I did a little CSI detective work and based on the amount of wear on the combination dials, I was able to figure out the combination with very little trouble. I discovered today that all of my Nerf guns fit into it perfectly. I'm a total dork.

I received a formal invitation to a Lost finale party on Sunday. TWO DAYS! AHHHHHHH! I'm not sure how best to attire myself for this epic event. Black hoodie, grey striped shirt, checked Vans, and medical tape on my fingers? Cargo pants, a dingy t-shirt, and a big, scary knife? A brown jumpsuit (I have two)? Or should I just play it cool and go as myself? I'm not a dress-up-like-a-lonely-nerd kind of guy, but this is different. This is important.

I will spend the remainder of this evening pondering my options.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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