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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm trying to be less popular.

I've just done something I've never done before. I went on a Facebook friend cleaning-spree. This means that I went through my list of Facebook friends and deleted people who I don't talk to ever or don't want to talk to ever.

When I began the project, I had an impressive 507 friends. That number has dropped to a shocking 487. I know. Twenty people. Whoopity-woo. But that's a pretty big deal for me.

Now my friend list is comprised mainly of people I vaguely remember from high-school, family who I don't have the balls to delete, and Serbian teenagers who are just as baffling in their online communication as American teenagers.

(NOTE: If you're reading this and you're my Facebook friend, congratulate yourself. You're part of an exclusive club. If you're reading this and you were once my Facebook friend and you find that you are no longer my Facebook friend, well, that's your own fault. You should have been more interesting. But feel free to continue reading my blog.)

Thank you,
      Matt Beers

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