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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The 200lb Man is naked.

I have done this thing, this thing that I did, to motivate myself to do the other things I have not yet done. Allow me to explain.

A few days ago I said that I wanted to spice up the blog a bit. I might have eventually done so, too. But I couldn't just leave it to chance, so what I've done is strip the blog down to it's most basic parts. It's almost painful to look at, isn't it? Like a celebrity gone off the deep-end. (I'm talking to you... all celebrities.)

I can't just leave the poor thing naked and bland like this... can I? Maybe. I'll put up a poll at the top of the page. YOU can decide.

Thank you,
      Matt Beers


  1. I vote for #1. But ONLY if the naked "Matt" is the dry erase board drawing you did of yourself. Super classy.

  2. I voted this morning, but I'm not publicly sharing my choice. I also plan to vote on my IPod later tonight. By the way you misspelled Smart.... oh, wait, now I get it!
