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Monday, May 24, 2010

I just don't know what to do with myself.

*le sigh*

That's right. Day one in a world without Lost. How am I coping? With comfort food, mostly. A little denial. Some moderate and occasional weeping. I'm okay overall. I've got plenty of things to distract me. I will list some of them below.

Jack graduated from kindergarten today. His teacher might be the smoke monster. It's kinda hard to tell sometimes.

We're still painting our bedroom. We're taking our time so we don't get overworked. We're just trying to make the most of the situation and enjoy the time we're spending together... just like Rose and Bernard.

It's stopped raining and is now, in the words of the vile gangster Anthony Cooper, "kinda hot for Heaven."

In about half an hour, Jack and I are going to see "How To Train Your Dragon." I'm sure it'll be great. And I'm sure Hurley and Ben had many hilarious exchanges that we'll never, ever get to share.

*le sigh*

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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