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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sometimes I miss my mohawk. But sometimes I don't.

I've been getting lazy with the postings lately. This is due to a combination of no sleep, lots of projects at home, and Lost withdrawal. I'll do better.

Betsy got the bedroom painted and I, muscley man that I am, moved the furniture back to where it belongs. We went from dark blue to cream. What a difference! Our room looks gi-NOR-mous! It actually IS ginormous, one of the largest rooms in our house, but now it LOOKS big. We juggled a number of design concepts and themes, dropping the ones that didn't suit us, and then, just as we were about to settle on one, we found a bedspread that we both loved, which wasn't one of any of the styles we had been discussing. Sometimes "CLEARANCE" trumps taste.

Our bedroom is now angled sharply in a sort of minimalist gypsy direction. Well, I call it "minimalist," but my wife calls it "Matt finally got rid of some of the junk that's been piled up around here for the past five years."

Lately I've been focusing on getting things done, not collecting things. This is a pretty drastic shift for me. I love to collect things. My life has always been filled with strange little artifacts that I've discovered here and there. A tiki god carved from lava. A tiny, blue, glass bottle shaped like a fish. A dusty top-hat. These are the kinds of things I can't seem to get enough of. Well, I've finally had enough. And it's rather shocking for me to see empty shelves or clean surfaces, but there they are. My first instinct is to clutter them up again, a state of being that has always been well within my comfort zone. But I resist the urge and my wife practically glows. It's worth it.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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