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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gazebo Watch '92!

The rain has not yet flattened my gazebo, but it's been quite a battle. It's been raining on and off since I put the thing up and...

If you don't know what I'm talking about, read my last post.

... the canopy keeps collecting water. It sags down in these big, pregnant pouches that have to be emptied periodically like fluid from some seriously effed-up lungs. Basically, I take a golf club and push up on the canopy and the water dumps out all over the ground, flooding our landscaping.

For now it stands, though the battle rages on.

In more relevant and recent news, I feel the need to bring to your attention a few actors who have continually wowed me with their mad skillz. They are as follows:

Jim Broadbent.
Notable performances: Brazil, Iris, Moulin Rouge!, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
Notable Performances: The Big Lebowski, Almost Famous, The Invention of Lying, Pirate Radio

Paul Giamatti.
Notable performances: Lady in the Water, American Splendor (Stop whatever you're doing and watch this movie. Minds will be blown and pants will be filled... not out of fear, but because your mind will be blown and without a mind you'll die and when you die you sort of lose bowel control. That's just how it works.)

Robert Downey Jr
Notable performances: Chaplin, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Sherlock Holmes

Now, I'm very certain that I've overlooked some crucial performance by at least one, if not all, of these actors. If you have spotted an oversight that you feel the general public should be made aware of, start your own blog.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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