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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

There's a bump on the blog in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

I know, I know, I know... I didn't mean to fail you all again so soon. I actually have "blog failure" scheduled on my calendar for mid-September. But the problem is that I'm working on my Ferocious Quarterly assignment and I've been stressing about it and by the end of the day, when I do everything that I skipped earlier in the day, my writing tank is dry.

And the saddest part is that I promised my collaborator (He's an amazing artist named Aaron Minier who you can find in my Nogs of Bloat section... You know what? Just click this subtly highlighted section of words.) that I would have the piece to him by tonight at the latest so he can have the single illustration done in time for issue #2 of Ferocious Quarterly... which is due out in October. So... he's got a little time to work on it.

Anyway, I'm writing this post to tell you that, if I finish in time tonight, I will come back here and write ANOTHER even MORE awesome post, if you can wrap your head around it.

Matt Beers

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