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Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'd try harder, but I don't feel like it would get me anywhere.

So, remember that quarterly publication I mention several months ago? Ferocious Quarterly, it was called. Well, it should be seeing a printing press within a week. Soooo... THAT'S good.

And what's even better is that one of the contributors, Jared Stumpenhorst, has the most amazing art-driven blog that I've ever seen. It is this: LOST 365 Project.

Among with Mr. Stumpenhorst, Ferocious Quarterly will be showcasing some of the most amazing artists working today paired with some people who write stuff. As I am one of the writers, I don't feel that it would be prudent to heap praise upon the collected writers as a group, but I'm sure we're all very passable.

I was gonna list some of the artists, but that would mean jumping back and forth between this post and some e-mails, and that's just not the kind of thing I see myself doing at the moment, so... yeah. I'm gonna go play video games.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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