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Saturday, June 12, 2010

We were called on purpose.

We had a super-long Serbia team meeting this evening. We had a lot of fun and we laughed a lot, but we found out that the group we're teaching (originally thought to be around 15 students) is being combined with another, much larger group. We are now planning for 65 students.

My initial response was to freak out a little. But then I remembered that I'm serving God. God doesn't say, "Hey, I've got this ditch I want you to jump over. Surprise! It's the Grand Canyon! See ya later, sucker." He's never asked me to do anything that He didn't already have figured out. For whatever reason, our little team (which I learned tonight, and with much joy, is plagued by political incorrectness, mischievous sarcasm, and general orneriness) was chosen for this job. There isn't a weakness among us that God doesn't know about and no strength that is enough without Him.

We're golden.

Thank you,
Matt Beers

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