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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Busy, busy, but not too busy to be more busy.

I've been pretty busy the past few days. And sleepy. Probably from all the busy.

I'm going to do a stream-of-consciousness blog post, if you don't mind, 'cause I got bunches of stuff to do today.

There's a garage sale going on at our church (Pathway Community Church) next month to benefit the adoption ministry, True Vine. We've collected a bunch of stuff to donate and we stored it... in the garage where I would normally do all of my chillaxing. I can't get to my comfy chairs or my workbench or my wall of Nerf guns. I can't even see the big screen, though I'm pretty sure it's still under the pile somewhere. I've been a little edgy about everything and this invasion into the only personal space I have left is a big part of the reason.

I'm trying to plant a tiny garden in my backyard. I have just enough room for one pumpkin. It'll be rad.

Betsy painted our red kitchen green last week and we still haven't put anything back on the walls. Well, just now we did, but we still have a lot more to put up. I hate hanging things on the wall. No matter how much I measure, no matter how many times I consult my level, it always comes out crooked and in the wrong place.

I built a bird feeder yesterday. It looks like crap.

I have some new responsibilities with Ferocious Quarterly. I am now in charge of recruiting writers and selecting stories for the blog and, if we ever make another one, the printed issues. There a couple of hard-rockin' individuals willing to help me out, for which I am very grateful, but I'm still not really sure where to start.

Sprechen of the Ferocious, check this out: THIS!

On Thursday night, I had a burrito.

I'm thinking of starting a mini-comic. I don't have all of the details, but I have enough to start with. I'll call it Big Top de la Muerta. It'll be about a fifteen-year old boy who has to deal with robots and zombies and aliens and scary clowns who live in his neighborhood, when all he really wants to do is meet the mythical and sumptuous Girl Vampire. He's not really sure what he'll do if and when he meets one, but sometimes it's enough to have a dream. I refuse to be intimidated by the fact that I don't have time for a new creative endeavor or by the fact that I can't really draw. Those are just square wheels on the automobile of progress. They can be dealt with.

Thank you,
      Matt Beers

1 comment:

  1. The burrito was well worth the mention in your post... Though I only laid eyes on the thing and tasted not of its goodness.
